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As of 08/30/2016

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A couple more thank yous for individuals who shared their expertise to help get Project Shoe Box started.  Thank you to Ms. Rachel Reed for creating our new logo.  We are very excited to start to incorporating it into everything Project Shoe Box.  Another thank you goes out to Mr. Brett Schmitz for helping us figure out some confusing tax forms.  We truly appreciated sharing your knowledge with us!
An enormous thank you to Ryan Butler for spending countless hours working his technology magic to design such an amazing website!  We truly could not have accomplished creating such a perfect website without his assistance.  
Project Shoe Box's website would not be nearly as charming without the special appearances of some of the most adorable kids I know!  A huge thank you to the Hayes, Schaefer, Lahr-Graham, Klink, Prado, and Eckelberg families for allowing Project Shoe Box to display the precious faces of their kiddos on our website.  Their gorgeous smiling faces truly make the website complete.  Thank you for helping with our mission to bring smiles to foster children!
A special thank you goes out to Ken Butler at for hosting our website!  Our website is the first big step in getting out the message about our mission to never let a child enter foster care empty handed.